Monday, April 28, 2014

2006 - Sac Slice

About 10 years ago, I discovered the artwork of Link on the old Greasetank website, and I was amazed by his talent and imagination. I began corresponding with him and struck up a wonderful friendship with him that lasted until he passed away a few years ago at the ripe age of 84. I miss both the man and his talent. 

This image was inspired by a series that he created, and I dedicated the drawing to Link. 


  1. oh my god, so hot. I don't know why, but the stories I've found where the guy gets his sack cut open, and then the naked orbs them self's get tortured, always get me the hottest.

    1. I totally agree, Jeff! Though I rarely include such descriptions in my own stories, I think it's a tremendously erotic concept -- a man's gonads, freed from even the meager protection of their thin protective scrotum, being forced to endure brutal and even destructive torments. A true test of a stud's manhood.

      You'll be happy to know that my more recent artwork features a number of images where a man's precious balls are being cut out of their sac. I hope you can be patient... ;D
