Monday, January 21, 2019

New drawings to come!

Hello friends!

I just wanted to post a quick note here to let you all know that, as 2018 came to a close, I had a sudden fit of inspiration and churned out 24 (!!!) new drawings! Starting in the next week or so, I'll begin posting those drawings here on my blog.

I ALSO have a ton more photo morphs that I created over the past year, some of them quite good (IMO). I have definitely gotten better at morphing as I've continued to practice, though I'm still nowhere as good as Hardtrainer01 and the other super talented morphers out there. Still, I'm entertained by my own works, so I hope that you might be, too. I'll also start posting more photo morphs here in the near future.

I hope all is well with you all, and that you've had a great start to 2019!


Friday, January 18, 2019

Morphs 45

It's March 21, 2018 as I prepare this post for my blog. I've uploaded all of my best morphs that I've completed to date, so unless I've found the time and inspiration in the meantime to create more morphs (or returned to my own pencil sketch artwork), this may be the last post on this artwork blog for a while.

I hope you've enjoyed my morphing efforts, whether they're original works of my own or borrowed and re-morphed images originally augmented by another artist.