Saturday, January 28, 2023

Punishment for Disobeidence

I'm not sure what minor infraction this muscle slave made, but the punishment is exceedingly harsh. He is being hanged by his own massive testicles, and as if his own titanic muscular weight wasn't punishment enough, his master has hung enormous steel weights from his wrists and ankles, BRUTALLY stretching out his screaming bull nuts. The muscle bull will be forced to hang there until his master feels that he has suffered enough... 

...or until his mighty balls are torn off of his body! 


  1. Oh dear... As sturdy as this studly slave looks, I'm sure even he won't be able to last long in this situation.

    Luckily there's a way for the master to show mercy while keeping his word. The bull will hang there until he's suffered enough, so to be released earlier he must suffer more intensely.

    The slave is begging for release, so the master grabs a baseball bat he's had customized with studded metal bands. Five seconds off his slave's "hang time" for each solid whack with the bat sounds fair, right?

    Wait, didn't I say something about mercy?

    (I like the pose on this one! A good T&A shot, haha!)

    1. So glad that you enjoy this drawing! And I love the idea of the stud reducing the length of his sentence by agreeing to increase the severity of the pain. His unbelievably massive bollocks already look taut and bulging and screaming with pain, so I can't imagine how much additional agony he'll feel once the bludgeoning begins!

  2. Those balls should be beaten with lead pipes to get them the size of those weights!

    1. Wow, it would take a LOT of beating to make them swell THAT big!! I'm not sure if even THIS stud's mighty man melons could survive that much abuse... but I'd sure love to give that a try!

    2. Oh sure would be fun to try!

    3. Agreed! Let's grab our lead pipes and have at 'em! :D
