Thursday, June 2, 2022

2022 - Pomacing Pillars

When one of the mighty breeding bulls has reached the end of his allotted time as a stud stallion, he is sent to the rendering plant to have his enormous and supremely potent testicles hammered into oblivion by the Pomacing Pillars. These huge steel pistons bludgeon and crush the muscular male's titanic testes until they crack, rupture, and explode, and the resulting mush is used as a food additive and protein packed power supplement. 

It usually takes at least several hours to rhythmically hammer a stud bull's humongous nuts to complete destruction. After he has been castrated, the male is then sent to the labor camps, where he performs heavy menial labor for the remainder of his days. 


  1. Poor guy.. He cant make another babies..

    1. Well, technically, he still can. His left bollock has been heavily mauled but is still almost fully intact.

      Also, his right bull ball is still very much alive and virile! Even more incredibly, his heavily damaged and badly mangled man orb could likely survive a few MORE nut-splitting impacts from the devastating pomacing pillar before passing the point of no return. Until then, even his cracked, leaking, and meat-oozing right stud nut is still very much capable of fathering more prime babies!

    2. Exactly... Maybe the babies that made after this torture are stronger than babies that made before this torture.
      They have faced cruel initiation when they still inside their father testicles.

    3. Yes, his mighty sperm will have been tempered through the crucible of pain, becoming even more potent and virile than ever before. His children would be magnificent!

    4. Maybe you must make stories about fathering camp in ancient times. The Young and strong mans who would be married are getting initiation in a camp to preparing them to be a father. They are getting torture on their genital. Tjey are getting treatment like massage and supplement to increase their virility. They got educating about making babies and fatherhood too. But they got crueal torture on their genital they must be as strong as possible to protect their future babies inside their testicles. The weak gonna loose his virility then the strong have chance to be a father

    5. Sounds like a smart plan -- allowing only the strongest men (with the strongest balls) to breed the next generation.

  2. Oh my! He looks pretty calm all things considered.
    Oooh critical level ball looks like thats gonna tingle, just alittle. Haha ouch!!

    1. Oh yes, this stud's pain is intense, the worst sort of agony that a male can ever experience. But he has been trained to endure even the greatest agonies in stoic silence. Even now, he's preparing his pain-wracked mind for the inevitable catastrophic annihilation of his failing right nut... which will be followed by the equally devastating and agonizing loss of his crumbling left nut...

  3. The levels of pain would be intense! Especially if they started to pull and yank out the exposed spaggetti thats being pummeled out of open wounds....

  4. Yeaah... They had so many erotic programs. They allowed to sleep naked together with their women and having sex but they dont allowed to cum inside their women's vagina. They exercise to massage their womens breat and nipple so their women could produce more milk to bear their future babies. Then the peak of the torture programs is a night before they are got married. There are very hard torture. So the next day only the virile male goin to imoregnante their wife.
