Thursday, May 26, 2022

2022 - Artillery Bombardment

Hello all! 

I currently have SIX new drawings to upload! The drawing below is the first of 5... and then there is one holiday-themed one that will post around Christmas. :)

The heavy stones of these alpha male warriors are so dense, heavy, and huge that they make excellent ammunition for primitive artillery pieces, working better than stone and even iron shot when it comes to demolishing castle walls, ramparts, and other defenses. And fortunately, these mighty males are so plentiful that there is never a fear that the army might run out of their special double-barreled ammunition... 


  1. Goddamn this is so hot! Love the drawing!

    1. I'm so glad that you like it! I had done a rough sketch of this concept a couple of years ago, and was finally inspired back in February to "flesh" it out. ;)

    2. It made me nut so hard!

  2. Awesome! Great drawing, love the idea and glad you posted it. Very original.

  3. his future kid gonna be fly away afther the cut the cord

    1. ALL of his awesome future potential as a father is about to arc majestically through the air before colliding catastrophically against a massive stone wall. ;)

    2. I hope he cums one final time right as his balls fly away.

    3. Does he get to only shoot one salvo of cum as his balls are cut off, or do they let him finish unloading an entire cum load before slicing off his sac? And I'm guessing they'd rather cut him when his nuts are as full and bloated with sperm as possible, as that makes his balls even harder and more dense, resulting in even greater structural damage when they collide with a stone wall. ;)

    4. Oh, no. They wouldn't let him finish because then they'd be too soft and light for what they want those balls for. He gets edged up to the max and is extremely horny and hard and looking forward to a massive release and just as he's about to unload they cut him as one rope of cum flies out, and he spends the rest of his days feeling a sensation of a powerful but ruined orgasm.

    5. Ooh, that sounds almost more cruel than never letting him spill even a single drop of his precious and powerful cum! I love it!! :D

    6. Hey there Danny! For some reason, my email has been flooded with comments on various images today (June 7th), but none of your comments are showing up on the blog. I've gotten 10 or more emails with the same comment from you, but they're not showing up here. Any idea what's going on?

  4. Imagine getting hit by one of those bollocks crashing onto you. LOL
    Some would say what a waste of masculine power...I would say what a waste of prime bull balls perfect for torment and abuse!!! :P

    1. Unfortunately, the sling shot flings these massive male stones with deadly force and power -- if you're struck by one, then it's instant and messy death.

      But I personally agree with you. It would be a tremendous shame to waste such a wealth of dense and heavy man meat... before it was first extensively worked over, beaten, and abused! >:)

  5. Cause of death:Blunt force trauma from a boulder sized testicle.
    They could always inject the orbs with something to firm them up more.
    Since they are like boulders why not fill them with cement. heh.
    They could also drench them in oil and set fire to the balls as well for added effectiveness.

    1. Better yet, inject those massive bollocks with a substance that turns his own insanely huge cum load into something as solid as concrete. Not only would that make the impact of his testicles against the ramparts even more effective, it would also prevent him from accidentally shooting his load before his goliath nuts get severed.

      They could also be injected with rubbing alcohol, which would be excruciatingly painful in its own right. And then moments before the final cut is made, a torch is used to set his mighty stones ablaze (they're perhaps coated in pitch as well). Imagine the fiery explosion they'd make upon impact!!

  6. Hmmm the substance to turn his cum almost like concrete is a nice idea BUT the rubbing alcohol is much more delightful!!
    I like to think the injector is a very crude device as well, thats used many times, its worn and would cause intense pain plunging in as well as pulled out.
    And yes, added extra pain just before they are sliced free torched and upon impact a firely explosion of flame, ball shell and nut guts

    1. And imagine the 'donor' stud's despair as he watches his huge, severed bollocks sail through a great arc in the air, trailing fire and smoke, and then catastrophically explode against a stone wall! Ooh, and even worse, what if his own mighty bollocks are being used to break down the walls safeguarding his own people?!

  7. ? Im not anonymous....I signed in lol

    1. I THOUGHT that 'anonymous' voice sounded like yours! ;D

  8. Haha i dont know what happened, but guess I cant hide from you ;)

    1. And really, would you WANT to hide from me? ;)
