Saturday, March 19, 2022

Morph 122


This short lad was so damn cute and stocky that I had to augment him, and I changed the original story to have a slightly different -- if still very unfortunate -- end for the handsome young hunk. 

Another morph of this magnificent young lad. Anyone know his name, or where I can find more of him? 

Kyle Blevins is a fuckin' FREAK -- devastatingly handsome, and mind-blowingly huge! What a muscle daddy! 


  1. For the third morph, I managed to navigate to this photographer's treasure trove of amazingly ripped and handsome men and I believe the model is on this page

    There's so many spectacular photos there although they're all watermarked. The photographer's instagram also has some.

    1. Still wasn't able to find the model's name but found the photographer's deviantart and website, lots of non-watermarked photos there:
      And also one good photo of the model with red underwear here! Url shortener used as it's a super long link I reverse imaged searched:
      Only listed as "fitness male model"

    2. Thank you for all of this information. I DID find out this model's name a while back -- it's Evgeniy Gryaznov. Gawd, but I think he's beautiful! :D

      And that photographer at Vishstudio sure knows how to find some amazing talent! WOW!!

  2. I knew that handsome young man a the top of the list would not last long with his narcissism and severe exhibitionism disorders compounded with bigorexia delusions. He was constantly in need of praise and even asked to be weighed in "meat" which should have been the last warning.

    His first and last step into the ring left him limp and exhausted. completely vulnerable to his unscrupulous owners, spectators, and contestants alike.
