Friday, April 26, 2019

2018 - Tarzan's Forced Copulations

Here's an image of everyone's favorite Jungle Lord, the mighty Tarzan. The massively muscular warrior has been captured by the violent M'Butu tribe, his phenomenal strength rendered impotent by secure bindings. The warlike tribespeople typically sacrifice their captives, but the tribe's warriors were so impressed by the fight that Tarzan put up during his capture that they've decided to use him as a breeding bull with the hopes that his children will inherit his super human strength and indomitable courage.

And the tribespeople were soon to learn that there would be MANY children fathered by this great bull of a man, for his monstrously oversized sperm tanks were virtually bottomless wells of virility!

The M'Butu plan on mercilessly using and abusing Tarzan's great seed pods in the days and weeks ahead to wring every last drop of his precious virility from him, blessing the next generation with his tremendous might and staggering masculine beauty.

And once they are done with him, the M'Butu will indeed sacrifice the mighty warrior to their vile and violent gods...


  1. Tarzan awaits the extensive milking of his huge low dangling spermbank quite relaxed, even thick cum is dripping out. But with such a guy that might be the case all the time. His armpits are just lickable. 😛

    1. Yes, his armpits ARE rather lickable, aren't they? :)

      And Tarzan's poor sperm tanks are completely tuckered out at the moment, which is why they're hanging so extraordinarily low. But give 'em a few hours to recharge, and they'll be pounding out massive loads again in no time!

  2. Ohh they just look so inviting for a good bamboo caning!
    Or let some of the jungle critters explore them....

    1. I think a good, heavy bamboo caning might encourage those two massive sperm tanks to recharge faster than ever before, and be ready to impregnate a second huge batch of young women...


    *Grunt!* *Pant!* *Heave!*
