Friday, June 26, 2015

2013 - Slicing Open His Bull Nuts

This handsome young muscle stud has fallen into the hands of a crazed serial killer. The madman seeks out the biggest and handsomest muscle men he can find, preferably with massive sexual equipment as well, and then tortures them for days on end before finally finishing them off.

And he has hit the jackpot with this colossally hung stud!

The killer has taken his captive deep into the woods where no one will find them. Securing the handsome young hunk in front of a massive tree stump, the killer begins his work. The killer has mastered the art of the achingly slow mutilation and castration of his victims, destroying their manhoods bit by tiny bit.

And for this hulking hunk, he wants to pull out all of the stops.

The serial killer carefully nails the young man's scrotum to the tree stump, careful not to damage the humongous balls inside. Then he carefully slices open one side of the young man's hairy sac, exposing a large expanse of the grayish-white bollock beneath.

And that's where his torture turns particularly vile.

The killer uses a serrated knife to carefully cut through the tough outer fibrous shell that surrounds the miles and miles of thin, spaghetti-like tubules that make up the meat of the man's bull nut. The killer carefully teases out several slender strands of these sperm-producing tissues...and then severs them. The young captive hunk can only gasp in horror and pain as the killer allows the severed ends of these tiny tubules to land wetly on the tree stump's surface, spilling out their contents of raw sperm onto the dead wood.

The handsome stud's slow unmanning has begun. It will take the meticulous and methodical killer days, perhaps weeks, to complete his work, but in the end the emasculated stud will beg for the killer to end his misery.


  1. Hot! I love that he has tim to fully understand and feel what's going on with his balls, and he has time to be milked dry. Very nice!

    1. Thanks for your comment, and I'm glad that you like this image!

      Yes, the huge muscle stud is going to have to suffer through a very, very slow unmanning process. And with gonads as gargantuan as these, he'll no doubt shoot at least a dozen massive loads before his titanic nuts are mauled into uselessness.

  2. Yeah this is a hot scene!!
    Imagine that's gonna be so painful!! Down fall of having such huge testicles, packed full of those noodles means its gonna be a long time till they've been full pulled and sliced apart!
    could pull and unravel one like a ball of wool.Or how about jamming a whisk in and cranking the handle and whizz the inside up abit

    1. Shit, Danny, that's a hot idea with the whisk! Just shove the business end of one of those electric mixers into that opening and turn on high! But I think that would end the fun much too quickly; mighty bull testicles like these deserve a much slower vivisection and destruction, don't you think? I like the ball of wool analogy, by the way. ;)

  3. Yeah, shove it in, that will hurt like hell anyway, then mix away! Move it around so that it touches the walls of it as well.
    Hot but your right, would be to quick.
    Maybe a very small one instead?
    Or just shove a hand inside if they are that huge! fingers could pinch pull even break the noodles and squash them about as rotate wrist inside, all while looking at the stud as he squirms in pain, not able to pass out :D

    1. Whoa, isn't THAT a mind fuck -- having the tormentor actually stick his fingers INSIDE of the stud's magnificently massive gonad!! Poking thick fingers through all of that dense and solid nut meat, enjoying the slick squishy sounds they make inside all of that beef, and then gently grasping the spaghetti-like filaments to either gingerly tease them out (much the the unraveling of a ball of yarn) or roughly yank and tear them out one by one. Yeah, unfortunately for the handsome stud, he's far, far too strong and tough to pass out under the excruciating pain, so he'll be forced to endure every last minute of his slow emasculation.

  4. Oh you made it sound much more erotic and terrifying that I did!!! :D
    I think the thought alone of it happening would make him try and find any means to pass out and not experience it!

    1. I agree, and he certainly would try. But unfortunately for the muscle-bound behemoth, he's way too fucking strong to pass out. Definitely one of the downsides to being such an alpha male bull... ;)

  5. Since the tubes are like spaghetti, get a fork out and slowly extract them from the nut casing and twirl them around like pasta. The stud needs to be fed a protein lunch.

    1. Hi there 'nuts'!

      First of all, I love your screen name! And thank you for commenting on three of my drawings today! I am always honored when someone takes the time to write.

      Fuck, that's SUCH a hot idea to take the tines of a fork and start twirling up the stud's still-living nut meat!!! If enough of the spaghetti-like filaments can be pulled from that behemoth bollock, then the fork might be able to reach the lad's own handsome lips, and he could be forced to chow down on his own living balls!! That's decidedly wicked - I AM impressed! ;)

  6. Sfzephyr you are amazing. This is one of the best drawings ever. Beautiful and the detail is perfect. I like how you made sure we could see the differet layers in the testicle and of course the seminiferous tubules inside. Would love to see a story about this. Also love your comments about using fingers to prod inside his testicle or even use a fork to tease out the tubules.

    You are truly a master in your art and writing. I'm jealous. I'm so hard when I read your stories and see your pics. My cock is leaking whenever I even think of your blog.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your exuberant praise! I'm deeply honored! And of course I'm thrilled that you're enjoying both of my blogs!

      I don't have any fully realized story planned for this drawing, but I definitely welcome input from viewers! Please feel free to submit story idea, or even your own stories. I'm always excited and turned on to hear what other folks want to see done to these super human muscle men. :)

  7. Saw this one again....OOhhhhhhhh....still one of my favs!! :O

    1. So many erotic possibilities with this hot and outrageously hung muscle hunk!
