Friday, December 11, 2015

2015 - Muscle Man FEAST

A huge stud like this would make one HELL of a meal!

I'm not usually a fan of drawings that hint toward cannibalism, but I found a sketch that I'd done years ago of the scene below, and decided to finally finish it. I particularly like the roasted vegetable skewers that have been impaled through the young stud's colossal nuts. The poor guy is about to become the main course!

Over the years, I've discovered several of my drawings "repurposed" with a cannibalism theme. I don't know how other artists feel about their work being used in this way, but I was rather honored by it! Here are the examples I've found, and I would guess that there are more out there:


  1. Absolutely love your work...job well done..

    1. Thanks so much... for ALL of your awesome comments! :D

  2. Mmmm...what a nice dish of mountain oysters!

    1. And there's enough top quality beef in those behemoth balls alone to feed a fucking army!

    2. Nice big balls only serve one purpose when their fertile lifecycle is nearing an end. At the feast, they might rupture with a spectacular pop, or they can be carved and fed to others as a delicacy.

    3. Behemoth bollocks like those possessed by these handsome young muscle men near fade in fertility, and that's actually part of the problem. If their owners aren't careful, they could overbreed their prized stallions, and (literally) flood the market with too many of their magnificent offspring. So to clamp down on inbreeding, the owners cull the testicles from their bull studs once they've their allotted quota of offspring.

      And sadly, the more virile and fertile the stud, the shorter his breeding season...

    4. Judging from the weight of those stud spuds, this particular 'prized stallion' would not last long in the breeding season. The nursery may have to improvise a rapid repopulating of the women in their care, even if it gets rushed and messy. moving the stud from bed to bed for raw fuckings might prove inadequate, and better resort to shocking his prostate and kicking the balls to work like a portable sperm factory and have him pump a load on demand. every woman must be filled up with bull sired litters in a limited space of time without a regulator. Even better with a little 'overbreeding' on the side through nurses and spectators after repeated exposure to stud residues all over the place. it sure would be embarrassing for the authorities to be going over some statistics at a briefing, then suddenly watching the head nurse pumping up with little bulls inside

    5. I love the idea of a particularly handsome and virile stud such as this one having many illicit and unplanned pregnancies on the side, far exceeding his breeding quota. His thick and sloppy spunk just splatters everywhere, and any female of childbearing age that wanders too close to him would be at risk of becoming pregnant with a massive litter of his stunningly beautiful babies...

    6. Now imagine look on the mothers face when she get checked as to why she is showing such advanced signs of pregnancy so early, then get informed she is full of baby bulls and her belly will likely surge out in front of her like the bow of a mothership by the time they are done adding new siblings to their litter

    7. I love the idea of beautiful young women being pumped full of "baby bulls" -- that is SO freaking hot!!

    8. Orgasm after orgasm from the inside, as the mother can feel the offspring absorbing the genes for beauty and strength
