Thanks for enduring my brief absence while I caught up with more drawings!
This first image is very obviously inspired by the "Aliens" film franchise. In my fantasy, the military has sent in an elite force of genetically enhanced Space Marines - true "super soldiers" - to wipe out a nest of deadly aliens, but unfortunately run afoul of the aliens' Queen. Sensing that these men would be superior breeding stock for her brood, the Queen has all of the Marines captured and bound in the thick and nearly unbreakable alien resin, and then impregnates each of the men with her vile young.
But instead of impregnating these extraordinarily tough and burly men through the oral-gastric route, she has her spidery "face huggers" grip the heroically oversized bull cocks of these men and force their eggs down the tremendous length of those cocks to plant their young deep into the meaty depths of the men's own massive seed pods.
The unfortunate young Marine featured here is the first to have the alien young reach maturity. A dead "face hugger" is still hanging off of the Space Marine's absolutely mammoth bull cock. The hugger had formerly had a death grip on that titanic tube of man meat as it shoved one of its eggs down the full length of that thick cum tube. Now ready to "hatch", the nascent alien explosively erupts through the incredibly tough outer wall of the stud's gigantic right bollock. Thick ball meat, raw sperm, and thin spaghetti-like filaments of the sperm producing tissues themselves violently spray out in all directions as the behemoth ball all but explodes, opening a huge gaping hole in the side of the burst nut.
Of course, a previous face hugger had planted a second egg inside the herculean hunk's other majestic man orb, so the handsome young lad is likely only minutes away from having his other huge bollock burst wide open!
These mighty Space Marines are freakishly tough, however. I'm thinking that this handsome young stud is so fucking brutally strong, and his massive balls so unbelievably huge and resilient, that even with huge ragged holes blown in the sides of both of them, those colossal nuts are still not dead. Gravely wounded, perhaps even mortally, but for now still very much alive! It's therefore possible that the alien Queen could impregnate his balls again, and again, and again and again and again, forcing him to give birth to a dozen or more alien young before his once-proud bull balls are reduced to so much ground chuck and broken, ruined, and destroyed ball meat. Whaddya think? How many times do you think this stud's mighty bollocks could burst open with another alien baby before they're completely obliterated? ;)