Friday, March 20, 2015

2013 - Double Pile Drivers

Here is one of the rare images I've ever drawn showing a bull stud losing his manhood -- I usually draw those fateful, powerful moments right before such a brutal ending, letting the viewer decide if the hunky stud is emasculated or gets to keep his heroically oversized equipment.

In this drawing, I guess I'm somewhere between those two points. :)

This handsome and monumentally muscular young hulk has had both of his massive testicles pounded and hammered over and over and over again by a pair of huge pile drivers that drop from the ceiling above onto a pair of steel pedestals below. The mighty stud has already shattered all previous records, enduring more than ten times as many blows as any other man before him.

But even his endurance wasn't limitless.

As the minutes have ticked by, the hulk's normally rock-solid bollocks have grown softer and squishier, each devastating hammer blow gradually wearing down their awesome resilience. He's endured almost an entire evening of such abuse, but the punishment was clearly taking its toll. For the past 15 minutes, the massive pile drivers have been crushing each of the stud's mighty balls nearly flat with each horrific blow, and it was obviously just a matter of time before one of his beautiful and bountiful bollocks failed.

And when one of his balls finally did fail, it failed catastrophically.

The young muscle man's right ball ultimately proved to be the weaker of the two. As the pile drivers slammed downward into the stud's unprotected nuts for the umpteenth time, his colossal right nut didn't just break, it exploded spectacularly, showering meat, gore, and raw sperm all over the torture room. The captors were aghast at the size of the mess created by the obliterated bull nut, and they turned their attention to the stud's sole remaining goliath orb, wondering just how many more blows it would take before it, too, burst in a shower of broken ball meat.

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