The mighty stud is kneeling within the large chamber formed by the plant, his genitals dangling over the tooth-filled maw of the beast. Mighty tentacles have the huge muscle man immobilized. These same tentacles are also crushing the stud's huge cock so hard that they're nearly pinching it off of his body, preventing little more than a steady drool of thick precum to drip from the gaping tip. The creature wants to make sure that as much cum as possible is trapped within the stud's gigantic man eggs in order to create the biggest feast possible.
The plant creature has used its powerful tongue to encircle the base of one of the stud's fantastically heavy and huge nuts, and has been brutally stretching it toward its waiting mouth. The unbelievably vicious pulling has caused the man's hairy scrotum to tear wide open, freeing the goliath orb from its home and stretching it even further from the young man's body. Now, just the powerful ball cords and vital blood vessels are keeping the mammoth, grayish-white orb tethered to the young man's insanely muscular body, but even such mighty cables cannot hope to hold out much longer against such terrific tugging force. Any moment now, the first of the stud's mighty bull nuts will be ripped from his gorgeous body, becoming food for the monstrous plant.