Friday, July 17, 2020

I may delete this site...

Hello all,

In the past 2 weeks, someone or some 'bot has decided to start filling my comment sections with spam. I'm deleting them as soon as they show up, but it's a hassle and frankly makes me angry. Why do a few bad actors have to ruin things for the rest of us? Anyway, if it keeps up, then I will shut down this site. I just wanted to give you all fair warning to copy and save any artwork you like here, and feel free to post it anywhere else you'd like, as I might terminate this site without further notice.

So far, my story blog has been untouched, so that one stays... for now.

I actually DO have some new artwork to share, as in actual pencil drawings and not morphs, but I may have to find another venue. I'll try to keep you all posted...

Thanks for your understanding everyone!



  1. I think there's a way to add a captcha to a blogspot blog. That may keep the bot off.

    1. I would love to know how to do that. Any way you can teach me? Did some searching under "Settings" and didn't see anything titled "captcha"...

    2. I think you need to enable word verification under settings.

      Go to Settings> Posts, Comments, and Sharing, and enable word verification.

      It also may be helpful to only allow users with google accounts to comment.

    3. Thanks for the help! I already had word verification enabled, and only had the blog open to those with Google accounts, so I'm at a loss. I'm thinking I'll try only allowing MEMBERS of the blog to comment, and see how that works...

  2. I'd be happy to post them on my blog.

  3. What about moving over to Twitter or DeviantArt? I don't suspect you would be spammed by bots on those kinds of platforms.

    1. Thank you, and that's a good point! I guess I didn't consider that because my story blog is on blogspot as well. The spamming issue has subsided -- for now -- but if it comes back, then I may just move... :)

      Now if someone can do something about spam PHONE calls! Man, I got four on my cell phone yesterday alone! LOL
