Wednesday, January 29, 2020

New blog started by a friend of mine...

Hey there everyone!

I just wanted to let you all know that a friend of mine finally started a blog of his own, located at: He's a budding artist and author, and I'm already impressed by his first efforts. You might be, too, so check it out!



  1. Orchidometer is an extremely recommendable blog, in which the visibly talented artist, has up to now published relatively few of his works, but these are of a remarkably high quality. 👍 So far, the artist has been able to put some really very original ideas in the limelight. You not only get to see well-built guys there, but also a splendid color scheme, accurately executed drawings, as well as thick man-nuts 🌰, as beautifully large and bulging as we love them! Orchidometer definitely belongs on every reading list.

    1. Thanks for the comments, and I'm sure he'll appreciate the plug for his blog! :D
